Daily Archives: March 15, 2013

Money is the root of all evil, or is it?

17 Money is the root of all evilWhat you believe about money plays a leading role in your level of prosperity.

Of all the beliefs about money, the one that appears most often near the top of the list is “Money is the root of all evil”.

Never mind that the actual quote is something more like “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”. Or, some even say “The love of other people’s money is the root of all evil”.

If these beliefs are at the core of how you see money, you need to understand that they offer a clear distinction between the money itself and the love of money. It’s the worship of money, it’s said, that is the root of all kinds of evil.

Whichever form they take, these beliefs are often aligned to people who subscribe to a faith-based system in the law of the world, but it isn’t necessarily always the case. Some of us have been brought up with the belief that money corrupts, and this can lead to a similarly damaging belief that money is the source of evil in this world.

It’s no wonder that so many people try to get rid of it by spending it, and that we have budget deficits at both national and personal levels.

Ironically, some people would say that it’s the lack of money that is the root of all evil. But even this is not correct because the world is full or rich men and women who are bankrupt emotionally and lost spiritually.

Even focusing on money can get a bad rap, and this is a little unfair. The truth is that money is spiritually neutral. It can be used for both good and evil, and can bring more stress or greater freedom.

When there’s something you want to be good at, you need to give it your time and attention. Money is no different. If you want to get a better handle on your finances, make your money work better for you, and especially if you want to stop letting it slip between your fingers, you need to spend some time developing healthier beliefs about money, then the better habits will follow.

Here are some examples of healthier beliefs about money:

  1. I can make money and still be a moral person.
  2. I can get paid for doing the things I love.
  3. Money is just a tool that can be used for both good or evil.
  4. I do not feel guilty for making more money than other people.
  5. I do not feel envious of those who make more money than I do.
  6. Some evil has nothing to do with money.
  7. I am capable of providing for my family.
  8. I don’t need to hoard and I can get rid of stuff I no longer value.
  9. Money can be donated to a good cause.
  10. I have the physical and mental resources to be financially abundant.

Once you uncover your underlying beliefs about money and see how they have contributed to your financial situation, you can get on the road to developing some healthier beliefs.

You will then be able to develop a better relationship with the money that does enter your life.