Daily Archives: March 22, 2013

20 cheap things to do on a long weekend

22 20 cheap ways to spend a long weekendEntertaining the family over a long weekend can easily eat into your budget.

But why spend up big to entertain the family when there are so many things to do that won’t cost you the earth? Here are 20 ideas to get you started.

1. Play a board game

When was the last time you pulled out the old school game of monopoly? It lets you spend time with your family while encouraging healthy competition and introduces the kids to the dynamics of money.

2. Make your own pizza

For a fraction of the price, get your hands dirty and make your own pizza dough and everyone can add their own favourite toppings. No more picking off the anchovies.

3. Throw a frisbee

Head to your local park and toss a frisbee to give the kids and the dog some exercise. You are all bound to have a few laughs together.

4. Go to the art gallery

Check out what’s on at your art gallery and experience some culture.

5. Make your own chocolates

Don’t spend big on store-bought chocolates when you can have more fun making your own. Throw in some marshmallows or smarties for your own signature variety.

6. Rent a movie

Ditch the expensive Foxtel plan and avoid the cinemas like the plague. Instead, enrol at the forgotten local video store and pick up a few latest releases for a fraction of the price. And don’t forget the microwave popcorn.

7. Go for a swim

You may think it’s a little too cool outside to go to the beach, but there’s nothing stopping you from going to an indoor heated pool with the family for some fun.

8. Fly a kite

If you see the wind pick up, head out with a kite. You could make a day of it by popping out to your nearest art shop to collect supplies and make your own.

9. Plant some seeds

Grab an egg carton, some seeds and soil, and watch your own plants grow. Just remember to water them every day.

10. Go to the library

Enlist at your local library and borrow something new for yourself and the kids.

11. Bake a cake

Rather than popping out to the store for a slice of vanilla slice, make a whole pan of vanilla slice for the same price.

12. Organise your tunes

You have already uploaded your favourite music onto iTunes, but have you organised playlists that are especially suited to cleaning the house, gardening, going for a run or sitting on the train on the way to work? Now’s the time.

13. Camp in the back yard

You don’t need to book into a 5-star resort to get away from it all. Pitch a tent and set up camp in the back yard. The autumn weather is the perfect backdrop.

14. Do the odd jobs

You just never get around to oiling the squeaky door, fixing the dripping tap, replacing a broken tile or staining the greyed decking. Make a list and do the odd jobs now.

15. Visit the museum

Investigate what’s on for free and make a day of it with the family.

16. Paint a picture

You have a blank wall but can’t decide what to put on it. So pick up a large canvas and some paints from an art supplies shop – or even the $2 shop – and create your own masterpiece. Whether it’s a family finger painting, a scenery in oils or abstract art with poster paints, you will have something to always treasure.

17. Go bushwalking

Pack some sandwiches and a map, and go for a bushwalk in a national park.

18. Mend your clothes

You’ve been meaning to sew on that button or repair the fallen hem for ages. Now is the perfect time to pull out all the clothes that need mending and get to work.

19. Take the dog for a walk

If you don’t have one, borrow your neighbour’s dog or call the local animal shelter to see if you can take a homeless dog out for a bit. You may even be able to offer temporary holiday accommodation to a homeless pet.

20. Throw a football

You don’t need to join the district football club to have fun tossing around a football or kicking a soccer ball. Get outdoors and have a run around.